Sacred 2 Gold Edition + Community Patch [ + Enhanced Edition Mod 3.2] (2009-2023) PC | RePack by CoronerLemur

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Год выпуска: 2009 (Gold Edition) - 2017 (Patch)
Жанр: RPG (Rogue/Action) / 3D / 3rd Person
Разработчик: Ascaron Entertainment
Издатель: Deep Silver / Akella / GOG
Платформа: Windows
Версия: + Enhanced Edition 3.2
Тип издания: RePack
Релиз: Mod
Язык интерфейса: русский
Язык озвучки: русский
Таблэтка: Не требуется (DRM-Free)
 Sacred 2. Золотое издание - это продолжение серии ролевых игр Sacred. В Sacred 2: Падший Ангел вы играете за одного из шести персонажей и углубляетесь в интригующую историю, полную побочных заданий и тайн, которые вы должны распутать. Захватывающие боевые приемы и сложные заклинания ждут, чтобы их выучили. Вам будет доступно множество оружия и предметов, и вы сможете выбрать, какие из атрибутов персонажа вы улучшите с этими предметами, чтобы создать своего уникального и неповторимого героя. По всей Анкарии можно найти продавцов лошадей. Они предлагают животных различных мастей, от простой клячи до настоящего боевого скакуна. Лошадь можно экипировать уздечкой, седлом, и даже рыцарским плащом. Эти специальные предметы для верховой езды могут быть как обычными трофеями (с характеристиками, как и любой другой предмет экипировки), так и редкими, и даже уникальными. Ко всему прочему, у каждого персонажа есть особое ездовое животное. Езда верхом не только соответствует личности персонажа, но также сильно влияет на многие аспекты стиля игры. Многие животные специально приспособлены для улучшения боевых навыков персонажа, находящегося в седле. Некоторые ездовые предоставляют персонажу высокую скорость передвижения, и все обеспечивают герою дополнительные (в основном защитные) бонусы. Исходя из измененных боевых навыков персонажа на лошади сражения верхом могут предоставлять различные тактические преимущества. Выбор между пешими боями и схватками в седле может быть сделан по многим различным причинам. У каждого персонажа есть собственный специальный скакун.
 В Sacred 2: Лёд и Кровь вас ожидают два новых региона, новые квесты и головоломки, опасные приключения и могучие противники. Иными словами, все, о чем может мечтать настоящий герой! Легендарный Кристальный регион Серафимов расположен к северо-западу от Анкарии. Только лучшие охотники способны остаться в живых на землях крылатых созданий. Непреодолимые джунгли скрывали Проклятый Лес на протяжении столетий, а вмести с ним и страшную тайну, которую сможет рыскрыть лишь истинный воин. Если вы хотите отправиться в эти новые края, то направляйтесь в Тилизиум, столицу королевства эльфов. Там в гавани найдите капитана, который предоставит вам доступ к соответствующей части мира.Возможности игры:
 * Огромный игровой мир, захватывающая фэнтези-история и завораживающая анимация
 * Возможность сражаться как на стороне добра, так и на стороне зла
 * Выбор одного из 7 героев; вы можете менять его внешность на свой вкус
 * Более 500 квестов
 * Поддержка физического движка AGEIA PhysX
 * Мощный мультиплеер с множеством режимов сетевой игры
 * Бес-носильщик - вызовите своего беса-носильщика, куда пожелаете, и пусть он таскает ваши сокровища
 * Новые области, враги, вещи и боссы - собирайте новые уникальные предметы для своих героев, завоюйте могучего Кристального Феникса, сразитесь против ужасного магического глаза, победите гигантского скарабея и пройдите еще сотню других испытанийДополнительная информация:
Сборка вида "установил и играй". Встроен Community Patch, Enhanced Edition, значительно уменьшен гринд.
 ▪ Наличие/отсутствие рекламы:
 ОтсутствуетОсобенности RePack'a
На английскую версию от GOG установлена озвучка и текст от Акеллы.
Еще установлены:
- Community Patch .0160
- Enhanced Edition 3.2
- Оптимизированные HD-текстуры
- Красивые портреты NPC
- Single Mount Mod (меняет систему ездовых животных, они не двоятся и их можно продавать)
- Generic Mod Enabler (установщик модов, в комплекте дополнения для Enhanced Edition)
INI перенастроены, добавлен отдельный INI для более свободной камеры.
Установка 15-30 минут, в зависимости от системы.

ТОРРЕНТ ОБНОВЛЁН 17:17 19.08.2022 — Enhanced Edition обновлен до версии 3.2

Sacred 2 Enhanced Edition 3.2 Changelog
- "A New Hope": Silmia is now a human like her father. Militia members no longer wear bugged DeMordrey gear.
- "Ambush!" & "Ambush...again" (HE classquests): Added the missing quest markers for these phases.
- "Among Orcs" (Light path): Troll targets west of Entruag will now fight the Grurag Orcs. Friendly Grurag Orcs are no longer attackable in the battle outside Sloptok.
- "Among Orcs" (Shadow path): Orc guards should no longer attack friendly Ore-Thag Orcs.
- "Attack is the Best Defense": Du'Rach attack in El'Darrag should now trigger properly.
- "Attack of the Undead": restored vanilla rescue quest. Find the crashed wagon by the lake near Clearview.
- "A Letter Home" (Light path): Dialogue is now clear on what Accept/Decline options are.
- "Barazi's End": Opponents in the cave should no longer walk around idly during the fight.
- "Convert Followers": Each god quest now grants a deity-specific book as a reward.
- "Deep Wounds": Fisherman Gisbert will now give you a book on Fishing upon completion.
- "Defying the Fog": Defeating the Swirling Mist of Miasma now drops Faye's Gloom on the Shadow path.
- "D'Elfici: The Promissory Note" (HE classquest): Removed the Glydial duplicate in the sewers.
- "Debt Collector" & "Collecting Desert Weed" (High Elf classquests): Will now appear correctly in the logbook.
- "Differing Opinions": Attackers are now equipped with weapons.
- "Easter Has Come": Speaking to the Easter Bunny is now required to start the quest, to prevent accidental failure.
- "Food for All": Master Chef has a new unused design. Gives a book on Dryad cooking upon completion.
- "Ghost Whisperings": Restored the Shadow path version of this quest. Begins in the same place.
- "Help With the Hunt": Will now drop a book on Hunting upon completion.
- "Hunting Fever": should no longer spontaneously start when accepting other quests. Adjusted the part III start trigger until after part II is completed.
- "Illegal Gambling": Book "The Winning Gambler" will now drop during this quest.
- "Manners Maketh Kobold": Removed the duplicate Village Fool in Wargfels. The quest fool now transitions into a bard after quest completion.
- "Oldest of the Immortal": Carnach's Scorching Stake reward now drops properly on the Light path.
- "On Kirich's Heels" (HE classquest): Moved the Seraphim port guard from the arena to the port.
- "Orcish Necromancers" (SW Shadow classquest): Winderlich is now undead when he appears in the Seraphim Islands.
- "Plowshares to Swords": Restored vanilla quest, Shadow version of Swords to Plowshares.
- "Semil Keytan" (INQ Classquest): Scouting Party south of Ruka will no longer spawn until the appropriate quest phase. The map trigger near Karagh and Semil's positioning in the cage have been adjusted. Fisherman on Seraphim Isle now uses the correct model.
- "Shirka and Keytan" (INQ Classquest): Duplicates of Shirka and Semil should no longer appear throughout this phase. Shirka is now dressed in civilizan clothes throughout.
- "Slimy Gobs with Goo": Now gives a book on Orcish cooking on completion.
- "The Best Omelette of Them All": Poul will now give "A Guide to a Successful Feast" on completion.
- "The Forgotten City": Defeating Kral of the Winged Daemons now drops Khral's Talisman on the Shadow path.
- "The Spirit of Atherton": Dialogue with Horde Champion is now clear on what Accept/Decline options are.
- "The Undead Legion": restored player pre-fight commentary after speaking with General Terus.
- "Throne of Conflict" (Light & Shadow): Opponents when escorting the Alchemist are now armed with weapons.
- "Unexpected News": Meliondor should no longer be attacked by Shadow-aligned NPC's.
- "Wolves' Furs for Angar": Angar will give you a book on Trapping upon completion.

Enemy and NPC
- Enabled some voiced player taunts against Human-type opponents.
- Enabled hundreds of voiced enemy taunts against the player.
- All creatures with fur now use the fur shader in appropriate places.
- Several vanilla elites have received new buff spells based on their specialties (tank, archer, mage).
- Restored missing SFX and VFX for many enemy combat arts.
- Improved the color-coding on many enemy summoning/trap spells (green for poison, red for fire, etc.).
- The broken "Energy Leech" property on enemy spells now functions (disrupts player CA regeneration).
- Abishai's eye-spawns now have correct A.I. and the ability no longer makes a Shadow Warrior yell.
- Archer-type enemies will now use and prefer their bows.
- Fixed the A.I. of the black-colored friendly dog.
- 5 quest monsters who were clones of regular enemies now have their own unique boss designs: Banshee, Evocator, Diaanja's Hellhound, Pharaoh El-Leigh, the Dream Vampire. The latter two are also elevated to boss rank with new powers.
- Blackhammer's hair fix no longer also applies to red-headed knights.
- Blood Dryads are no longer missing special move animations for their Hard Hit attacks.
- Bog Demon and Demon Lord A.I. changed from mage to warrior.
- Crows no longer fly along the ground (they hop instead).
- Crystal elite enemies (Aracin, Hucin, Percalacin) no longer give half XP.
- Enemies should no longer spawn inside Nambarah (Desert village).
- Facetelleon has new hit FX. Restored broken "charge" attack.
- Furies no longer have swapped template/elite creature ID's (resulted in excessively high stats and XP).
- Gar'Colossus, Mist of Miasma: Added some missing special move animations.
- Human ghosts scaled up in stature to match living humans.
- Human Slaverobber (normal class, white face paint) no longer gives double XP.
- Hunting Spiders: Broken jump attack now functions.
- Kobold Chieftains (normal rank) no longer give same XP as their elite variants.
- Kral of the Winged Daemons: Restored a broken jet engine CA. Also allowed his energy turrets to heal him as intended.
- Leaping Plants will now prioritize their leap attack over their other attacks.
- Liches no longer have passive A.I.
- Lightning Lord's Will-o-wisp spell replaced with a "lightning skin" buff. Battle will not begin until clicking on him so the player can complete nearby quest "Quick Help" first.
- Lithos enemies have new hit and death FX.
- Mounted opponents are now able to use their special moves.
- Neutral atmospheric animals expanded to more appropriate regions. Monkeys in Dyr-Lain can no longer be clicked on for dialogue.
- Priests of the 6 gods no longer have swapped appearances. They now appear correctly in the Desecrated Gods quests instead of random citizens.
- Saxenors are now divided into normal and elite ranks. The large ones are now elite and melee only.
- Snapping Turtle "Ramming" special move should now function.
- Stone Warriors/Archers will now use all types of stone weapons made for them. Stone Commanders now have animations for their 2h stone hammers.
- Stone Creatures on Seraphim Island now use throwing stones. The versions in the Dragon Caves are now melee.
- Thraconian Captains are now able to use their 2h hafted weapons.

- Restored the player's melee double hit animations that were disabled in the CM Patch. These animations trigger from any left-click melee attack and the chance increases as the appropriate weapon lore skill levels up.
- Loot auto-collect radius now matches the graphical circle out-of-the-box, without the need for the player to edit any files.
- Quest set item rewards will no longer be doubled or accompanied by extra unique armor drops.
- Horse Saddles: All unused designs are now restored.
- Sword Weapons +X can spawn on Inquisitor gear.
- Dual Wield +X can spawn on Dragon Mage gear.
- Pole Arms and Dual Wield bonuses should no longer spawn on Temple Guardian gear.
- Energy Pistols will no longer spawn with Shadow Warrior bonuses.
- Energy Staves will no longer spawn with High Elf or Temple Guardian bonuses.
- Some random bows are no longer missing textures.
- Some random swords and fistweapons are no longer missing icons.
- Seraphim wings: Fixed missing T-Energy FX on a random rare.
- Blade of Mages: Added missing entry to a droplist.
- Khorum Reflector: Block Roots modifier is now Reflect Roots.
- Endijian's Bulwark: Fixed the missing Reflect Roots modifier.

Combat Arts
- All combat art debuffs to opponent armor, attack, and defense should now work properly and no longer apply themselves to the caster instead.
- Combat Art grunts and yells should no longer interrupt spoken comments and dialogue from the player.
- Ancient Bark: Restored and improved the original FX using Lindor's shaders.
- Baneful Smite: casting FX no longer has black box artifact along the edges of the halo.
- Zealous Doppelganger: No longer mutates into a useless version of himself when coming into contact with T-Energy.

- Added a missing savegame thumbnail for the monolith by the Copper Peaks cemetery.
- Shortened the "Activated Resurrection Monolith" tooltip to avoid map clutter.
- Debuff Duration is now referred to as "Detrimental Effects" in tooltips. 

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